We are proud to champion local businesses and promote prosperity within our community. Essential to our economy, local businesses provide jobs, tax revenue and services that help make this place home. We are stronger together. When the businesses support the community and the community supports local businesses, we can all thrive.
We would like to acknowledge the work of our local non-profits. Supported with volunteer help, they step in to help fill the gaps. The local municipality can’t do it all, but we all can contribute by joining community groups, attending their functions, and participating in numerous ways. We are happy to count non-profits among our membership, and individuals who care about our town.
Coffee and Cocktail Connections
Our first Coffee Connection was a great success!
Thanks to all that were able to make it out!
Our next Coffee Connection will be on January 29th at 7:00am
It will be held at Crossroads Family Restaurant
For more information contact Paul Wood at president@havelockchamber.com
Hope to see you out!
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS Chamber seminars: Dates to be announced | REGIONAL INFORMATIONFind out more about Havelock, from its history, to attractions and important information. |
In this space we will be focusing on one of our members.
They will be given the opportunity to share their journey to success and some of their experiences so far.